guidelines for contributors

Kindly note that the submitted manuscripts have not been simultaneously submitted elsewhere for publication.

Original manuscripts on all issues related to interdisciplinary studies as well as to civilization will be considered. The decision of the editor will be final. Authors will receive a copy of the journal in which their works is published.

Books for review should be sent to the editor as mentioned below. Books that are not reviewed will not be returned.

Manuscripts and one-page-length abstract alongwith a brief bio-data within 100 words should be typed in one and a half line spacing on A4 size papaer and must be submitted as both hard and soft (CD) copies. These will not be returned.Contributions can be sent through email.

The Sequence of the notes and references will be: author's name (beginning with his/her initials, title of the book, name of the publisher and the year of publication.

All diacritical marks should be avoided. submission of articles, books for review and related correspondences should be addressed to


Dr. Jagadish Patgiri

The ediotor

Manavayatan The Humanosphere

Department of performing arts, Mahapurush Srimanta Sankardeva Vishwavidyalaya , Sankari Sanskriti Kendra, Rupnagar,Bhangagarh, Guwahati -32, Assam, India


jiban Krishna Path, h/N- 16, Hengerabari, Guwahati-781036, Assam India

Phone: 9101974582 , 9435048146

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